Statistical Computing with Mathematica

This courses introduces Mathematica to senior undergraduate and graduate students.  The course includes a tutorial on Mathematica followed by a number of statistical topics.  In the tutorial we cover many of the most frequently used Mathematica concepts.  Programming concepts are also illustrated by showing how Mathematica can be used to implement many well known APL idioms.  The use of the Standard Mathematica Package, Statistics`LinearRegression` is illustrated.  Then we move on to more advanced topics such as Linearizing Transformations in Regression, Bivariate Loess, Queueing Theory.

bulletMathematica Tutorial Notebook and Data Files
bulletAPL Idioms in Mathematica
bulletMultiple Linear Regression Notebook
bulletVisualizing Linearizing Transformations in Regression Notebook
bulletBivariate Loess Notebook, Bivariate Loess Package
bulletQueueing Theory Notebook
bulletLinks to other work I have done or supervised using Mathematica.