
Generalized Linear Models

Statistical Science 9055B

Description: Estimation and tests for generalized linear models, including residual analysis and the use of statistical packages. Logistic regression, log-linear models. Additional topics may include generalized estimating equations, quasi-likelihood and generalized additive models.

Term: B

Outlines of this course offered in past school years
Course Instructor(s) Outline Term School Year
SS9055B001 Simon Bonner PDF B 2017/2018
SS9055B001 Simon Bonner PDF B 2015/2016
SS9055B001 Ian McLeod PDF B 2011/2012

Western Science Centre - Room 262
1151 Richmond Street
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5B7
Tel: (519) 661-3607 ext 83607 Fax: (519) 661-3813
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